Hoardings / Billboard advertising is the process of using a large-scale print advertisement to market a company, brand, product, service, or campaign. They are usually placed in high traffic areas so that they are seen by the highest number of commuters. Advertising on roadside hoardings helps to build brand awareness by broadcasting the business to a large number of people. When compared to other advertising methods, billboards offer the highest number of views and impressions. The better visibility of hoardings is not only due to their size, but because they permit maximum creative customizing.
Thus, hoardings are one of the most cost-effective and efficient medium to reach customers when they are out of their homes. The below-mentioned points detail the importance of hoardings for promoting businesses.
The cost of billboard advertising depends on mainly four factors: circulation, demographics, impressions, and format.
Circulation: It is the total volume of traffic that passes the billboard.
Demographics: A billboard’s demographics are a breakout by age, gender, and income level of people who typically pass a billboard.
Impressions: Impressions are the likely number of people who see the ad, based on the size of the billboard, visibility, the speed at which people are passing, and other factors.
Format: Billboards are of two types - lit and non-lit. The lit ones have lights on the boards and are comparatively costly than the non-lit ones.
Billboards usually cost less in rural areas and more in larger markets depending on locations.
In Kerala, when a company chooses to advertise on hoardings, location is one of the most important considerations. Traffic speed, the proximity of the hoarding site to the road, height of the hoardings above eye-level etc also affects the effectiveness of advertisements.
For marketers and advertisers looking to brand their businesses, Kochi provides many advertising and hoarding agency options. Let’s Play Outdoors, Kerala’s largest Outdoor media advertising platform offers a wide range of inventory of billboards in Kochi.
www.letsplayoutdoors.in is a unique platform for marketers and businessmen to book hoardings online anywhere in the 14 districts of the state at very reasonable prices.