Technology in OHH Advertising-Effective Tools of advertising

Technology in OHH Advertising-Effective Tools of advertising

  • By Super Admin
  • June 15 , 2020

When the world went digital, everyone started moving everything online. Whatever worked and whatever needed to stay offline also moved online just for the sake of following the trends. After a few frantic years, technologists have steadied the ship and figured a way to make sure that offline and online compliments each other. This is the case in advertising as well. With the advent of online advertising, OOH advertising took a backseat in the initial years. However, outdoor advertising made a huge comeback and is currently one of the most effective tools of advertising.

As mentioned earlier, OOH advertisers also figured out a way to make sure that online tools and technology compliments outdoor marketing. Rather than having standalone campaigns, they started planning comprehensive advertising campaigns that included online and offline channels. In fact, online tools started helping OOH advertising to a great extent. With the introduction of analytics and business intelligence tools, outdoor marketers started analysing their OOH advertising campaigns better. This also enabled them to run highly targeted outdoor advertising campaigns as well. Along with numbers on the eyeballs expected for an advertising hoarding or tools like QR codes what technology did to OOH advertising was that it gave them an opportunity to converse better with the customers.

Nowadays, outdoor marketers can analyse how viewers are responding to outdoor ads as well as how they act or react to their ads. If there are purchase decisions made from outdoor ads, there are ways to track them. This help the OOH advertisers plan and execute their campaigns better. There are also highly advanced transit media advertising tools that help advertisers engage customers and encourage them to make the purchase decision then and there itself. When you plan your next Ooh advertising campaign, make sure that you have the data in your hands. This will go a long way to ensure advertising success.